
«You will never find a rainbow if you’re looking down.» - Charlie Chaplin

Wordless poetry, strong physical expression, touching emotions and cheeky charm. My clown meets people in a playful way without language, but with a lot of emotion. He touches souls, spreads joy and lightness. The heart is above the mind and emotions above language.

Solo Clown Theatre

Started 2021

Play: Maleta

Ensemble: Jacqueline Bischofberger

Director: Tom Roos (BE)

“Maleta” is a clown solo that amuses with simplicity and minimalist clowning. A funny emotional relationship between the clown and his lively suitcase. Welcome to a journey into the world of imagination and object manipulation, of poetry and mischievousness.


Duo Clown Theatre Jac & Joe

Started 2022

Play: Melody of the clowns

Ensemble: Jacqueline Bischofberger & Joe Del Toe

One idea two clowns. “The melody of the clowns” is a diverse piece that combines clowning, poetry, acrobatics, slapstick, music and magic. Sometimes crazy - sometimes poetic.

Website Gallery

Clowns for Schools

Started 20222

The Clown Duo Jac & Joe is part of kklick - the cultural education platform for southern Switzerland. The online platform brings together cultural education offers for schools and teachers by region, school level and subject area. Are you an interested teacher? Find our clown theatre offers and workshops on kklick here.

Giggle Doctor

Started 2024

Jacqueline Bischofberger is one of the giggle doctors at Theodora Stiftung. They visit children in hospitals throughout Switzerland. The Theodora Foundation was founded in 1993 with one goal in mind: To give children in hospitals and institutions for children with disabilities laughter, joy and precious moments of diversion.

Red Cross Clown

Started 2023

Jacqueline Bischofberger is part of the red cross clown program from the red cross Switzerland. Clowns play for refugee children in federal asylum centres and create light moments together in sometimes difficult times.

Clown Workshop

Started 2022

Jacqueline Bischofberger offers clown workshops in minimalist clowning for children and adults. It is a search for the inner clown. A clown is a copy of yourself, only more open, more naive, more fragile, more spontaneous. You will not disguise yourself, but rather take off your disguise and mask as a serious person. You will learn to let the impulse of movement precede the word and the impulse of action precede the thought. No previous experience is necessary.

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