Theatre Education.

«…the learning play teaches by being played, not by being seen”- Bertolt Brecht

What is theatre education?

I lead theatre courses and initiate and support theatrical play processes up to the performance together with people of different ages and backgrounds.

  • It is the art education field in which people learn theatre.

  • It is the management of a theatre project with amateurs (directing).

  • People actively participate in an art form (theatre).

  • Experiencing and learning acting skills (perception training, voice training, body expression, imagination and fantasy) is central.

  • Players are made aware of their own movement patterns and actions.

  • The individual play instinct is awakened.

  • Personal and social skills are promoted.

  • Short: The goal is an artistic aesthetic product that was developed in a participatory manner with the players which were empowered in their abilities.

Do you need help with a theatre project at school, in an old peoples home, cultural institution, asylum centre, home for the disabled, leisure sector?
Would you like to offer a theatre workshop?

Find current projects or workshops on the events site.